Study groups
To accommodate different time zones around the world, we are planning study groups at two different times per day:
Group 1 from 11.00 – 12.30 CET
Group 2 from 20.15 – 21.45 CET.
You need only a computer, a tablet or a mobile phone and internet access in order to participate. During the first week, we will read and discuss a selection of articles by Martinus. During the second, the topic will be Martinus’s book “The Christmas Gospel”. You may enrol for the first week (26th – 31st July) or the second (2nd – 7th August) or both. The study groups are led by our experienced course leaders who teach at the Martinus Centre in Klint, Denmark.
All online study groups meet Monday-Friday at the times given above. Sunday is “connecting day” where we have an introductory session to get to know each other and make ourselves familiar with our meeting tool Zoom. You will receive more information about Zoom after registration, see below.
Before the course you will be given access to a digital course room where you will find relevant course materials. You will also be able to exchange thoughts and reflections with other participants and your course teacher.
Price: 30 Euro for participation in one study group (one week). Written materials and access to the course forum are included.
To take part in one of the groups, please enrol by writing to Pernilla Rosell at stating which week and which CET time you prefer no later than Saturday 18th July. After registration you will receive further information and billing. A minimum of 5 participants will be required for a group to be set up.